DGA Runner

If you're ever confused about our runner, run the command below.

    $ hadoop jar dga-giraph-0.0.1.jar com.soteradefense.dga.DGARunner -h

The command will output something like this.

    usage: hadoop jar dga-giraph-0.0.1.jar com.soteradefense.dga.DGARunner <analytic> <input-path> <output-path> [options]
    louvain - Louvain Modularity
    hbse - High Betweenness Set Extraction
    wcc - Weakly Connected Components
    lc - Leaf Compression
    pr - Page Rank
    -ca <arg> Any custom arguments to pass in to giraph
    -D<arg> System parameters to pass through to be added to the conf
    -h Prints this help documentation and exits
    -q Run analytic in quiet mode
    -w <arg> The number of giraph workers to use for the analytic

-ca Examples

        $ ./bin/dga-giraph wcc /path/to/input/ /path/to/output/ -ca io.edge.reverse.duplicator=true
        $ ./bin/dga-giraph wcc /path/to/input/ /path/to/output/ -ca pivot.batch.size=0.25

See Configurations for a property list.

-D Examples

        $ ./bin/dga-giraph wcc /path/to/input/ /path/to/output/ -Dgiraph.zkList=localhost:2121
        $ ./bin/dga-giraph wcc /path/to/input/ /path/to/output/ -Dpivot.batch.size=0.25