Walkthrough With Data


  1. How To Get DGA
  2. How To Build DGA
  3. How To Deploy DGA

Let's Get Started

Following along on the XDATA VM?

In this example, we will be running Weakly Connected Components with DGA.

First, let's get some sample data from here. Already have data you want to use? That's great! Make sure it follows this format and it will work with DGA.

All set? Now we need to deploy this out to our cluster.

    $ scp -r dga-giraph/build/dist/ hostname:/path/on/disks

Now, let's scp our data out to the cluster. Navigate to the directory you downloaded the file to and run the command below.

    $ scp example.csv hostname:/path/on/disks

Next, we need to ssh into our cluster.

    $ ssh hostname

Now let's see if our files made it to the cluster. Run the command below and you should see a dist folder and example.tsv.

    $ ls -al

If everything checks out! We can now copy our data set to a directory in hdfs. For this example we will create a directory in tmp for the input.

    $ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /tmp/dga/wcc/input/

No need to create the output directory. That will be done for us when our job is complete.

Now let's copy our data onto hdfs.

    $ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal example.csv /tmp/dga/wcc/input/

Finally, we can now run our analytic! The command below uses the built in DGARunner to run Weakly Connected Components.

    $ cd /opt/dga/
    $ ./bin/dga-giraph wcc /tmp/dga/wcc/input/ /tmp/dga/wcc/output/ -w 1 -ca io.edge.reverse.duplicator=true

The command above, runs the dga-giraph-0.0.1.jar and executes the DGARunner class. It passes in 5 command line arguments.

Is it done yet? If so, lets see the results!

    $ mkdir results/
    $ cd results
    $ hadoop fs -copyToLocal /tmp/dga/wcc/output/* .

What are all these parts? Don't worry, let's make them one! Note: You might need to open up a subdirectory to see the parts. Use the cd command to navigate.

    $ cat part-* >> bigfile.txt
    $ vi bigfile.txt

And there you have it! You ran your first analytic with DGA!